Unused 2000 liter (Approx 530 gallon) Feldmeier Reactor, 316L stainless steel construction, 25 Ra electro polished internal finish, 66" diameter x 36" straight side, dish top and bottom, rated 50 PSI/FV @ 300 F, 304L stainless steel jacket 24" up straight side rated 100 PSI/FV @ 300 F, top mounted Chemineer agitator drive, 1 HP with mechanical seal, stainless steel shaft with two wing paddle style agitator, (3) baffles, 18" manway, 4" sight glass, (3)3", (2)2", (4)1.5", (1).5" top nozzles, 3" center bottom outlet mounted on 18" hinged bottom outlet, 304L stainless steel sheating over jacket, on 4 stainless steel legs with 36" discharge height, Built 2004, Serial# S38903, National Board# 3013.