UNUSED Graver Water Systems Approximate 4000 Gallon Mixed Bed Vessel Ion Exchange Column Tank. Manufactured by Kennedy Tank, 304/304L stainless steel, vertical. 120" Diameter x 60" straight side, 2:1 elliptical top and bottom. Internal rated 250 psi at -20 to 135 degrees F. Openings top 12" service inlet, 3" resin transfer inlet, side top 24" man way with a carbon steel davit arm, 1" NTP test connection, (2) 3" NTP grout filling, (2) 4" sight glass, 12" tangential service outlet, bottom (2) 3" resin transfer outlet, 1" NTP tell-tale drain. Mounted on 4 carbon steel I-Beam legs. National Board# 7983, Serial# 9261-06D. Built 2009.