Crown Iron Works Model 48 Milling Flash Drying System
Used Crown Iron Works, Model 48, Milling Flash Drying System. Major components include: 48"dia Ring Flash Dryer (MFD-105) manufactured by Crown Iron Works, 30000 SCFH @30psig gas train, Forced Draft Blower (F-102A and F-102B), 6670 cfm combustion blower, Burner and Burner Housing, 600 HP DFC exhaust fan, 66400 ACFM capacity Camcorp baghouse, 93" Crown Iron Works Cyclone Assembly (2 units), 60 HP Scott Equipment Back Mixer, 12" dia Anderson Crane Co Inclined Screw feeder and mixing conveyor. Previous use: food-grade orange pulp, 17,000 Lbs/Hr. Built 2013, shutdown 2019.