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Chemical Plant - Plant Acquisition & Relocation - Calumet


Project Background and Scope

Phoenix developed a client that had an urgent need for a secondhand hydrogen plant. The client was a start-up clean fuels company that was focused on converting waste into renewable hydrogen. Facing a tight schedule to start production, the client requested Phoenix’s help to find an immediately available hydrogen plant. Phoenix didn’t have an immediate fit, so we aggressively scoured the market by approaching current hydrogen producers such as refineries, hydrogenators, and chemical plants. After extensive work, Phoenix presented three options to our client. Eventually, our client selected a used 2 MMSCFD (2,350 Nm3/hr) hydrogen plant that was to be replaced at the Calumet site in Montana. Calumet had a tight removal schedule as the footprint of the hydrogen plant was required for a renewable diesel project. Utilizing plant approved contractors, Phoenix arranged the dismantlement and relocation, performing and safely completing all work throughout the winter months in Montana.   

Project Highlights

Timeframe: November 2021 – March 2022
Service:Plant Acquisition & Relocation

Project Outcome

Through Phoenix’s arrangement, the buyer inspected, purchased, dismantled and relocated the hydrogen plant within 5 months. The previous plant owner obtained much needed space for a new construction project scheduled for FY 2022.


