Unused naphtha fractionation plant designed to process heavy naphtha from condensate fractionation plants in refineries to produce (N+A) reformed naphtha, diesel and gasoline. The plant is of modular type and is assembled in structure containing platforms, railings and ramp access stairs. All the equipment is mounted on modules, except for the fractionation tower, diesel exhauster, pre-flash tank, direct fire heater and storage tanks. The plant has a service factor of 96.16% (8,328 hours of operation per year). The plant has ABB DCS control system (model 800 xA). The plant equipment was installed but never used. The plant includes the following process sections:
(a) Pre-heating and Heating of Heavy Naphtha
(b) Fractionation of Heavy Naphtha
(c) Obtaining Diesel Product
(d) Obtaining Reformed N+A Naphtha
(e) Obtaining Gasoline (HGO)